
Nancy H.F. French Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Michael Billmire CMS-GIS/LIS
Lead Developer

How to cite WFEIS

French, N.H.F., D. McKenzie, T. Erickson, B. Koziol, M. Billmire, K.A. Endsley, N.K.Y. Scheinerman, L. Jenkins, M.E. Miller, R. Ottmar, and S. Prichard. "Modeling regional-scale fire emissions with the Wildland Fire Emissions Information System." Earth Interactions 18, no. 16 (2014)

Tools/datasets used in WFEIS

Fuelbed map (CONUS): LANDFIRE EVT and FCCS
Fuelbed map (Canada): Fuel Behavior Prediction fuel types map
Fuelbed map (global): Global Fuelbed Dataset (Pettinari and Chuvieco 2016)
Emissions software: Fuel & Fire Tools (FFT; includes FCCS and CONSUME)
Emission factors: Smoke Emissions Reference Application (SERA; used in CONSUME)
Fuel moisture data: gridMET (used for 1000-hr fuel moisture for CONUS)
Fuel moisture data: Global Fire WEather Database (GFWED; used for duff and litter moisture input as well as 1000-hr fuel moisture inputs for non-CONUS burns)

Archived (pre-version 2) reports/documents/data

Report (PDF) Early development history of WFEIS including funding sources and a list of all contributing developers.
Report (PDF): Comparison of GFED v3.1 and WFEIS v0.3 fire emissions models, June 2014
Report (PDF): WFEIS Uncertainty Report, May 2014
Article (Link): French, N.H.F., W.J. de Groot, L.K. Jenkins, B.M. Rogers, E.C. Alvarado, B. Amiro, B. de Jong, S. Goetz, E. Hoy, E. Hyer, R. Keane, D. McKenzie, S.G. McNulty, B.E Law, R. Ottmar, D.R. Perez-Salicrup, J. Randerson, K.M. Robertson, and M. Turetsky. "Model comparisons for estimating carbon emissions from North American wildland fire." Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011). 10.1029/2010JG001469
Reports produced under NASA Earth Science Carbon Monitoring Program Grant #NNX12AM91G:

Report (PDF): Annual Progress Report (Year 1), August 2013